New Year’s Resolutions for Better Hair in 2020

The New Year is the classic time to make yourself some promises for better health, happiness, and a more enjoyable life in general. Whether most people actually stick to their New Year’s Resolutions past January is another story (spoiler: it’s thought around 80 percent of us don’t), but hey, it’s nice to start the New Year afresh with a whole host of ideas for improving your life.

If you’re fed up with how slowly your hair grows, you’re despairing at your split ends or you just want to treat it a bit nicer this year, here are 6 New Year’s Resolutions for better hair in 2020:

1.       Commit to hair masks

Nobody has the time in the day for anything anymore, let alone waiting twenty minutes in the shower for a hair mask to “take effect”. But if you don’t already use hair masks at least twice a week, you’re missing out. A hair mask can give you shinier, softer hair by deeply conditioning from the roots, while providing your hair with a ton of nutritional benefits to boost growth and even fight off infection.

2.       Spend a bit more on hair products

It’s not always true that the more expensive a hair product is, the better it is for your hair (sometimes you’re just paying for the brand, and not a very good one at that). But it’s generally safe to assume that if you’re buying your shampoos and conditioners from Poundland, you may as well be washing your hair with a bar of soap. The cheaper hair products contain the – you guessed it – cheapest ingredients, which either do very little for your hair health, or can actually be harmful over time. Spend a little more on a product that’s natural, organic, and preferably vegan, and your hair will thank you for it.

3.       Eat healthier

Everyone can see the appeal in a New Year’s diet, probably because after a solid week of stuffing our faces with Christmas chocolates, we’re more than ready to commit to something healthier. But there’s no need to go crazy with cutting out foods this year – focus instead on adding more foods to benefit your hair health. Try adding more eggs, nuts, fruits and vegetables, beans, legumes, berries and unsweetened yogurt to your 2020 diet. These are fantastic sources of the key nutrients your hair needs, including protein, omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, iron, zinc, and vitamins A, C, D and E.

4.       Ditch the styling tools

If you can’t remember the last time you left your hair natural, it’s time to put a styling tool ban in place. Styling tools like hair straighteners, curlers and hairdryers aren’t the best for your hair, as the heat they emit can break down the hydrogen bonds that keep hair strong and healthy, stripping your hair of its natural oils and proteins. Turn it into a challenge to motivate yourself, but if you really can’t bear the thought of ditching the styling tools for good, at least consider using them on fewer occasions per week.

5.       Schedule your hairdresser’s appointments

We all know that going for regular haircuts is key for healthier-looking hair and fewer split ends, but life has a habit of getting in the way, and before we know it, it’s been a year and we haven’t gone for a single hairdresser’s appointment. The New Year is the time to schedule in your hairdresser’s appointments for the year, so you can get yourself organised before things get too hectic. Just a word of warning, though: don’t make appointments you can’t commit to. It’s a hairdresser’s nightmare to have to deal with a whole host of last-minute cancellations, so unless it’s an emergency, don’t be that person!

6.       Love your hair as it is

As human beings – especially as women – we’re constantly looking for ways to improve ourselves. A mild dose of dissatisfaction can be a good thing if it helps you to lose that bit of extra weight or commit to a healthier lifestyle. But hating the features you were born with is a complete waste of energy. Learn to be kinder to yourself in 2020 and accept your hair for the way it is. Whatever its natural colour, texture and style, it’s what makes you uniquely you, and you just wouldn’t be the same without it.

Aana Bowering