Natural ways to combat greasy hair- part 2
This is our second post on the at-home remedies you can use, short-term or long-term, for greasy hair. Our first post covered half of these, so be sure to check it out below if you haven’t already caught up with it. So, to continue on from our previous post…
5. Coconut oil
If there’s anything that has more health benefits than egg, it’s coconut oil. When we researched into coconut oil in more detail, we discovered a staggering number of uses for the stuff that we never would have even considered, relating to diet, hair and skin. We will probably actually write a post about the benefits of coconut oil for hair very soon, as the list is endless. But you want to know about how it can get rid of greasy hair, so we’ll stick to that for now. Applying virgin coconut oil to your scalp and hair once a week is a great way to condition your hair without making it greasy. This is because it is very light compared to other oils, so it gives your hair the required shine without going overboard. Simply take a little coconut oil and rub it on your palms, then apply it to your hair before bed.
6. Baking soda
We know it’s beginning to sound like we’re giving you a recipe to bake a cake, but it seems a surprising number of baking ingredients are actually pretty useful in your hair, too. The great thing is, almost all of us have some long-forgotten baking soda stashed away in our cupboards from that one time we attempted to bake a cake, so now’s your time to finally put it to use again. Baking soda is a great alternative to dry shampoo, as it helps to balance the pH of your scalp and absorb excess oil. All you need to do is sprinkle a teaspoon over your scalp, then brush to spread it out. You can do this twice a week, or- we prefer this option- use in emergencies on a particularly greasy day.
7. Cocoa powder
We just had to include baking soda’s main rival- cocoa powder! In the same way that you would with baking soda, simply sprinkle cocoa powder onto your hair and brush to spread it out. Like baking soda, cocoa powder can be used as a natural dry shampoo as it absorbs excess oil- but we would suggest avoiding using it if your hair is super light for obvious reasons. You can use arrowroot powder (on the off chance you actually have that in), or just stick to baking soda if this applies to you.
8. Oatmeal
That’s it, we’ve officially got the recipe for a flapjack now. It might seem a bizarre idea to adorn your something you’d usually only see in a breakfast bowl in order to see any “benefits”, but trust us when we say that this method has been tried and tested, and actually works. This is because oatmeal is a great absorber (think porridge) and is thick in consistency, so it absorbs the extra oil from the scalp. As an added bonus, it can also relieve scalp itchiness, if that’s another issue you have to put up with. To make the oatmeal mix, take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and add 1 cup of milk to it, then boil it as you would to make porridge. Once it has cooled, apply it to your scalp and wait for 20 minutes before washing it off. You should repeat this remedy 2-3 times in a week to if you’re feeling committed; if not, just do it as and when you feel your hair deserves a pamper.