Natural ways to combat greasy hair- part 1
Greasy hair. Nobody, not even your most envied celebrity idol, has gone without experiencing it at least once in their lifetime. For many of us, greasy hair is more of a regular occurrence than visits from the postman, and it can be frustrating not knowing what has caused it, how to get rid of it, or how to prevent it in the future. That’s why we’re sharing some natural remedies for greasy hair, so that if you wake up on the morning of an important work meeting to find your hair is oilier than a greased-up bodybuilder, we’ve got your back.
1. Shampoo, shampoo, shampoo
This is probably obvious, but we thought we’d put it out there first, just in case you didn’t catch the memo. Greasy hair is normally- although not always- a sign that you’re not washing your hair enough, so if you experience greasy hair frequently, try switching up your hair-washing routine and upping the number of days per week you shampoo. It’s a trial-and-error to find out exactly how often you should wash your hair, so it’s worth experimenting until you find what works for you.
2. Apple cider vinegar
Guaranteed you’ve got this sitting in a cupboard somewhere in your kitchen, and it turns out apple cider vinegar is a great home remedy for greasy hair. This is because it has the ability to kill fungus and bacteria, which are the baddies that can grow out of control and make your hair go oily. Simply dilute two or three tablespoons of vinegar in spritzer bottle, and spray onto your hair, then rinse after two to three minutes. Here’s a warning though- don’t take a the-more-the-better attitude with this one- too much vinegar can be harsh on the scalp and the hair.
3. Egg yolk hair mask
We really do love eggs. It seems they have never-ending benefits, and one of them, apparently, is greasy hair prevention. Egg yolks have a high sulfur, lecithin and protein content, which makes them an ideal hair product, as these ingredients help relieve dandruff and greasy hair, as well as strengthening it and adding shine. To make an egg yolk hair mask, you can either choose to beat two egg yolks together and apply them as they are, or add honey or tea tree oil. Apply directly to your hair, then leave it on for between ten and twenty minutes, before rinsing well.
4. Lemon juice
Lemon juice is another food product that we probably all have a bottle of lying around somewhere (most likely the remnants from the last pancake day). Failing that, the juice from real lemons has just as good an effect, perhaps even better. Lemon juice contains essential vitamins and minerals that are ideal for healthy hair, and the acidic properties of lemon help balance the pH level of the scalp and control oil secretion. Simply mix the juice from two lemons in two cups of water, and add honey if desired. Apply this mixture to your hair, massaging into the roots, and leave it on for five minutes, before washing off with lukewarm water.