Pixelated hair dye is becoming more mainstream

When pixelated hair dye first started trending in 2019, we were quick to report on it. We’re big fans of hair art, and this – creating literal pixelated images out of hair dye onto someone’s hair – is seriously unique.

The trend has really taken off this year, with a Madrid-based research and development company called X-Presion taking on the colouring technique and getting the internet all excited again. They call it #xpresionpixel.

We’re not so certain how combining digital art with real-world hair styling holds up once you leave the salon, but that’s not stopping people from trying it out. Over the last year or so, we’ve seen pixelated flamingos, pixelated stripes, and even whole-head rainbow pixilation.

In an interview with media company Bored Panda, a press representative for X-Presion said he created the style by mistake. He went on to explain: “We were in Minneapolis preparing a big show for 4500 people and then, with one of the models, I got an effect in her hair that I didn’t expect. After that, we started to study and think until we got the trend as it is now.”

For something that apparently started off as a mistake (we’re hesitant to believe this as the trend already existed), it certainly produced intended results. When done properly, pixelated hair dye can move and change with the hair, expanding on an image or showing hidden artwork when the hair is lifted.

According to X-Presion’s press rep, the style is super easy to maintain, because when the hair grows, the pixelated look will just fall lower down. We can find two issues with this theory: 1, hair actually grows at different rates around the head, so the pixelated shape would definitely become a little more wobbly than intended over time; and 2, having a pixelated design hanging off the bottom of your hair once it’d grown that long probably wouldn’t look so great. Not to mention that the dye would have faded by then, and it certainly wouldn’t be easy to do a colour retouch on a work of pixelated art.

So, despite the fact that a pixelated dye job will probably only look great for a couple of months, you’ve decided that you want one. Where exactly should you get it done?

Of course, X-Presion’s rep recommends only going to hairdresser who has been to the X-Presion Creative Education Seminars (a clear plug). That’s not the only solution, especially as it would mean taking a trip to America, which is probably a little bit further from home than the hair salon you usually frequent. There are salons in London that currently offer this look – just make sure you do your research and find a stylist who really knows what they’re doing.

Our personal opinion about pixelated hair is probably obvious: we don’t hate it, but we’re not the biggest fans, either. Because of the laws of science when it comes to hair growth, you’re limited with what you can do with a pixelated dye job if you want it to look good throughout its lifespan. And doing a block colour dye over various pastel squares in the hair would be time-consuming.

There’s also the fact that not all pixelated dye jobs look good. We’ve seen brilliant artwork, and we’re especially fans of X-Presion’s latest creation: a Pikachu character (although we appreciate the look wouldn’t be for everyone). But some of the creations we’ve seen on the internet look more like blobs and wavy lines than anything conceptual.

There’s got to be a good contrast between the hair and the dyes used to create an image that stands out, and then that image has to be well thought-out and carefully placed. Even with all that in mind, it’s probably still going to look like a colourful blob from some angles.

Our verdict? If it was somehow cheap and quick enough to take on a temporary pixelated hair design, we’d be all for it. This look would go down well at a concert or on a night out – but probably isn’t appropriate for everyday maintenance. Still, the designs are pretty fascinating, and we’ll admit to spending a few too many hours watching mesmerizing Instagram videos of people lifting up their hair to reveal the pixelated goodness underneath. Maybe in a few years, we’ll find a way to make this look more accessible to everyone.

Aana Bowering