The top 5 flowers for hair appreciation- spring edition

We've finally made it to spring! Okay, it doesn't feel like it, with the usual gale force winds outside, but trust us, it's coming. And what better way to celebrate the season of all things floral and blooming than by taking a look at the top five flowers and plants that are beneficial to hair health? You may be surprised to discover just how many of them are used in hair products, proving yet again that there really is no need for an excess of artificial add-ins- we've got a whole natural world of goodness at our hands...


Found in warm and tropical regions around the world, hibiscus flowers come in a variety of sunny colours, and are often used for making anti-anflammatory teas. Hibiscus doesn't just benefit internal health, though. It's been used in hair products for years and is cited as most renowned herbs used for hair growth. It is rich in vitamin C, which produces collagen that can stimulate hair growth even from dormant hair follicles in bald patches. Pretty amazing stuff, then. 

Popular hibiscus-based hair products include hair oils, masks, shampoos and conditioners. You can also make your own hibiscus tea hair rinse if you're into the whole DIY beauty thing. 


You know the purple stuff your nan’s bathroom smells of? That’s lavender, and there’s a reason why it’s been used for so many years in hair and beauty products. Speaking generally, lavender can help with pain relief, migraine relief and even freshening and cleaning. For hair, though, lavender is most commonly used in oils, and helps condition the hair while promoting growth at the roots. Its antimicrobial properties ward off bacteria and fungi, which is said to prevent dandruff and common itchy scalp problems.

Lavender is easiest to find in oil form, but can also be found as an ingredient in shampoos and conditioners. An effective DIY hair mask involves mixing coconut oil with lavender essential oil and leaving it in for fifteen minutes before washing it out. This works as a great treatment for dry or damaged hair.


The argan tree might just be one of the greatest all-time saviours when it comes to health hair. Back in the day, a clever person extracted argan oil from its plant source, and discovered its multiple benefits to the hair and skin. If shampoos, conditioners, masks, sprays, creams- in fact, any type of hair product- contain argan oil, chances are, they’re going to be wonders in a bottle for your hair. Namely, argan can act as a moisturiser for the scalp, effectively fighting dandruff. It can also promote the growth of healthy, strong hair.

Again, argan is most popular in oil form, but it’s not hard to find it in whatever form you most prefer. There are plenty of DIY oil recipes out there, too- but we think it’s easiest to stick with the oil in its simplest form.


You might be more used to seeing roses in your garden, with them being of the most common plants in the UK. Rose has been used for its scent for years, becoming the token natural ingredient in many perfumes, moisturisers and body washes. But, unsurprisingly, its benefits stretch far beyond its sweet fragrance. Rose water, specifically, can do a whole lot of good for the hair, including promoting hair growth, conditioning hair, reducing scalp inflammation, and reducing oiliness of the scalp.

The rose water hair DIYs are all fairly complex, so if you’re considering giving the benefits of rose a go, you’re probably best buying from your local health and beauty store.


To save the least expected until last, who knew that sunflowers were used at all in the hair department? They’re undeniably a popular plant in the garden, and there’s now even more of a reason to get planting- for the health of your scalp. Although sunflower oil- and we’re not talking the stuff you use to fry food, before you go running to your kitchen cupboards- is a less common essential oil, its hair benefits are numerous. Regularly using the flower’s essence is said to stimulate hair growth, reduce bacteria, eliminate friziness and prevent water loss.

Sunflower oil can be found online with a bit of searching. It is also often mixed with other oils, such as argan and coconut, for all-round hair heaven in a bottle.

Aana Bowering