The 3 best herbs and spices for hair growth
There are so many factors to take into account when it comes to having healthy, strong hair that grows at a rate that makes your friends jealous. Unfortunately, it's not enough to simply treat it with expensive products and make sure you don't use heat on it too regularly. One of the biggest impactors on hair growth comes from the foods we eat on a regular basis.
We all know of the obvious- that protein-rich foods strengthen the hair and aid in its growth. But it's less likely that you've heard about the herbs and spices that have their own properties to naturally give you the Rapunzel-length hair you've always dreamed off. We've put together a list of the three most beneficial of these, which are so common that you might just have them somewhere in your pantry already:
You might be more used to eating it alongside carrot in a soup, but coriander is more than just a cooking ingredient: it has also been used for years as a remedy for hair loss. This is because it posesses an abundance of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, B, 12, D and C, and magnesium, calcium and sodium, all of which contribute to hair growth.
Try it yourself: If you're not a fan of eating the stuff, you can make your own coriander hair mask by blending up coriander leaves and adding water to make a paste. Apply it to your scalp, massaging it in, and leave it for half an hour before washing off. Repeat this once or twice a week to see the herb's full effects.
Cumin, the herb you might be familiar with if you make a lot of homemade curries, is rich in iron, anti-oxidants and manganese and also contains other vitamins and minerals. As well as having multiple general health benefits, cumin plays a big part in hair growth, if consumed regularly. It replenishes the hair system and gives hair a shiny look, and cumin oil extract also aids in the treatment of dandruff.
Try it yourself: if you don't often incorporate cumin into your diet, you can buy black cumin seed oil for a reasonable price online, such as here. Just make sure you do your research and buy from a trusted website- you don't want to buy a falsely advertised product.
Cinnamon has always been known for its benefits, which is great, because we love its flavour in cookies and pies (and surely that gives us the excuse to eat more?). Although using cinnamon for hair growth sadly won't result in a sudden eruption of hair, it can improve circulation, thus stimulating hair growth.
Try it yourself: One common home remedy is to mix honey and cinnamon for hair loss. The combination of the two stimulates the scalp, which brings circulation to the skin, and improves the flow of nutrient-rich blood to the hair follicles, leading to hair growth. Simply mix one tablespoon of cinnamon with one tablespoon of honey, stir, and add a little olive oil, stirring until a paste has formed. Add the paste to your scalp, leave for fifteen minutes, then wash off.