Your daily haircare routine- part 3
So, you’ve made it this far. If you’ve read our last two blog posts in this series, you’ll know a little bit more about hair brushing and hair washing. But one part of the daily haircare routine that many people completely ignore is protecting your hair before sleep. Is it a norm for you to wake up in the morning with a head full of knotty, ratty hair? If so, here’s how to save yourself from the torture of dragging your hairbrush through it for five minutes, by spending five (far more enjoyable) minutes on protecting your hair the night before.
· Brushing- Your hair is exposed to so many different climates and environments during the day. You might take it outside, into the cool, dry air of an office or workplace, out into the wind, to the gym, over a hob while you fry some veg… it’s no surprise that those knots and tangles you so patiently brushed out that morning have made a reappearance come bed time. It’s easy to disregard the importance of brushing more regularly than once a day, but you should at least try to do it before bed, if only to save yourself the hassle of the next morning.
· Braiding- If you’re somebody who tosses and turns at night, one way to keep your hair from developing into one giant dreadlock as a result is to braid it the night before. Not only will a braid keep all your hair in one place, preventing it from tangling as you roll over in bed, you get the added bonus of waking up with natural waves. Just a side note: never braid your hair too tight, as this will pull at the roots, and can cause long term damage. A loose braid will have just as good an effect- just make sure you have a strong, elasticated bobble that will stay put at the bottom.
· Drying
We all hopefully know by now that going to bed with wet hair is a big no-no (and a hairdresser’s nightmare!) Not only is wet hair very delicate and is much more prone to frizzing and breaking, it also produces knots that are ten times worse than dry hair would. So wet hair + rolling around in bed = not a winning combination.
· Applying oil
You should know by now how much we love hair oil, especially argan oil. Oil is amazing for if you have dry hair, especially on the ends. You can apply it at any time in the day, but we always recommend in the evenings- after all, if you apply it in the morning, and then leave the house on a windy day, a lot of the product will escape your hair. Applying in the evening gives the oil plenty of time to work its magic.
The final thing we wanted to mention was your pillowcase. We know this isn’t any part of your night time routine, but sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase is so much kinder to your hair than cotton. Cotton is an absorbent fiber, so that means that it's absorbing moisture while you're sleeping on it. So if you wake up with dry, frizzy hair often, it may be time to switch your pillow case to something less tough.
This post concludes our daily haircare routine series- we hope you found it informative and helpful!