The benefits of towel-drying over blow-drying your hair- and how to do it properly
So we all know that blow-drying your hair is bad for it. But how many of us choose to do it anyway, simply for the convenience of not having to wait hours for your our hair to dry, and pile our hair with heat-protecting products in the hope that it will be okay?
We understand that with our busy nine-to-five lives, it’s sometimes difficult to squeeze in the time to towel-dry our hair after a morning shower. But just in case you’re intrigued, here are the proven benefits of towel-drying your hair instead of blow-drying.
1. Your hair is not being exposed to high heat
One of the main problems with blow-drying your hair is the heat exposure, which removes water that is bound to the hair and causes the cuticles to become dry, rigid and brittle.
2. You are not adding product to your hair- which will require washing out
In order to blow-dry your hair more safely, product should be added to protect it. But a build-up of any product in your hair isn’t going to feel great, and you’re going to want to wash it out pretty soon. This may mean you are excessively and needlessly washing your hair, which can actually cause dullness, dryness and split ends. As no product is needed to towel dry your hair, you won’t need to wash it as often.
3. You can take your time
Nobody enjoys the manic rush of the morning hair-dry, frantically brushing your wet strands and turning the hairdryer up to full heat in the hopes that it will get the job done faster. The higher the heat of the hairdryer, the more damage it will do to your hair, so giving yourself enough time to towel-dry your hair is a far better alternative.
Although towel-drying your hair has its benefits, we want to be clear what we mean by this. By towel-drying your hair, we do not mean vigorously rubbing your scalp in order to speed up the process. This would eventually damage the outer layer of the hair, causing it to look frizzy and leading to more breakage.
What we do mean is pressing, not rubbing, a clean, very soft towel over wet hair to take out the moisture. Gradually comb your hair with a wide tooth comb (nothing that will catch or pull) after every few minutes of pressing to encourage the excess water to drip down. Towel drying your hair in this way requires patience, but your hair will love you for it.